Thursday, December 02, 2010

Uh, Piccolo blows up the freaking Moon...

Uh, Piccolo blows up the freaking Moon...

Picture courtesy of
I remember watching the show Dragon Ball Z on videotape because a friend lent them out to me. I remember watching the episode where Piccolo uses his powers to blow up the entire Moon, because Gohan's kid became an ape creature. I always got a big laugh out of that scene.
However, that was kind of a dick move on Piccolo's part. People might miss the Moon on Earth. The Moon is viewed as a romantic image in many cases. So, basically Piccolo created the biggest Cock-block in history when he destroyed it. But what other effects would Piccolo's decision to destroy the moon have on the Earth?
Looking at the web-page astronomy today, made this list of things Piccolo screwed up when he freaking blow up the damn Moon.
-Tides: Uh, the moon plays an important role in rise and fall of water levels in the oceans and seas across the world. I guess Piccolo didn't factor that in when he blew up the moon..
-Stable Axial Tilt: It appears the Moon plays an important factor in the climate stability of our planet. Without the Moon, seasons would be totally screwed up.
Those are some important things. However, there is one positive...werewolves would be pissed.
Piccolo:  “Hey, I blew up the moon for the Lulz.” 


  1. Well, in Piccolo's defense, it is hard to be romantic when you are dead, after all, the Saiyans were coming to kill all of humanity.

    And technically it was the second time the Moon had gotten blown up. It got blown up when Goku was a kid because he kept aping out too.

  2. Was there a third moon after Piccolo blew up the second moon?

    BTW, I had no idea that was the second moon.

  3. I don't think that anyone did when I look back on the Dragon Ball wishes after that.

  4. I'm going to have to look into the whole replacing the moon thing.

    now, I heard it was one of those god protector guys from the heavens that replaced the moon the first time around, but I could be wrong
