Friday, December 03, 2010

Kentucky “Creation” Theme Park…

There is nothing wrong in this picture right?  Oh, wait...
Kentucky “Creation” Theme Park…
Only in Kentucky…
Keep in mind that we do have that stupid Creation Museum that is connected to the newly forming Creation Theme Park.  The museum is the famous place where they have inaccurate depictions of dinosaurs living with humans.  I guess carbon dating doesn’t really matter.  (Screw it, right?)
Being a non-believer, I’m not that insulted by the Theme Park as much as the Creation Museum.  If I had faith, I wouldn’t need a make-believe center reaffirming my beliefs that Dinosaurs and theory of creation aren’t conflicting matters.  That’s the whole point of faith, you believe. 
Putting damn dinosaur around humans just seems stupid, unless they are Dinobots.  (Me Grimlock)

Because you didn't read your school book assignment in Jurassic Park, dummy. 

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