Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Whoa, Cathy the Comic Strip has ended?

I was never a fan of the Cathy comic strip, but I thought it was a comic icon like Garfield and Beetle Bailey. Cathy was a comic character from my era, despite not connecting to it. Then again, I hated shopping and talking about romance. I didn't get it because I never had to worry about fitting into a bikini. I would read Cathy before getting to Peanuts or Garfield (who seems to be even popular now).
Women seemed to really connect to the strip. And, men and feminists hated it.
Cathy Guisewite, the creator of the book, decided to end the comic on October 3.
From Washington Post, (( I think it was really within the last year that I decided it. Any artist fantasizes about life without deadlines, but I had not seriously considered it. Then this year, I starting really looking literally [at ending it] and I felt the [strain of] deadlines more strongly. I had it in mind that it would be nice to do it through the 35th anniversary -- which would be next year. But this year I have a graduating high-schooler and parents who are of an age that they are blessed to be in good health, so I really just wanted to spend time with them. And I want to torture my daughter with my constant hovering and love [this last year of high school] while I can. If I wait longer, I'll never get this year back with my daughter and parents. ))
So, she did to spend more time with the family. I guess that's a sound enough reason. I really wish I could do that.
Side Note: It looks like there were three cartoon TV specials. I thought there was a TV show too, but I guess I was wrong.

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