Monday, October 25, 2010

Sonic The Hedgehog Love and Game Gear

Sonic The Hedgehog Love and Game Gear
No, he’s not talking about Ron Jeremy, but the fast moving blue guy. 
Where did he find an old Game Gear?  I remember liking the colored screen on the Game Gear over the green/black screened Gameboy. 
Here’s a review on the Game Gear.


  1. Ron Jeremy might like video games! Be sure to check out his first starring role in the mainstream movie, "Beaches, Buns and Bikinis." Ron easily steps into a similar role played by Morey Amsterdam in the 1960s "Beach Party." Ron portrays a wise beach sage who owns the coolest hotdog shack on the sand and dispenses love advice to the young.

  2. He was actually in Ghostbusters in the crowd scene at the end too.
