Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Some “guy” wants Weezer to break up for 10 Million

When I read the title, I just laughed and thought “Stupid fanboys and their self-entitlement.”
Read on to know more of this foolishness.  From NY Daily News, ((A reformed Weezer fan has launched a fundraiser online to raise $10 million to pay the indie band to call it quits.))
A fundraiser?  Look, I’m not a fan of Creed, but I don’t start flapping my wings and start up a fundraiser to stop them from singing.  So, this guy James Burns goes into why he began this crusade to break up Weezer. 
(("I am tired of my friends being disappointed year after year," James Burns wrote on "I am tired of endless whimsical cutesy album covers and music videos."))
Instead of wasting millions of dollars on breaking them apart, how about getting another nerd band to rally around?  How about you create a blog and complain about the band’s decline?  Shouldn’t we raise the 10 million on something meaningful? 
(("I beg you, Weezer," Burns signed off. "Take our money and disappear” ))
I would have sent the message back, “Burns, F’ off.  That is all.”
If you want to encourage change in the artists’ work, then stop buying their new albums and watching their videos.  If you do listen to their music, then write a review explaining the reasons why the band sucks.  If enough of their fan base turns away, they’ll either get the hint or fade away. 
There is just too much serious shit to worry about in the world that could be fixed with a 10 million dollar donation. 
A member on the site left this meaningful comment on their donation site.  The Littlest Winslow says, ((Hey man -
Weezer thanks you for all this FREE PROMOTION you’re giving them! Their name is now aaaall over the blogosphere and even at finer establishments like Entertainment Weeky.
And just in time to promote the new album HURLEY, which is a rompin’ good time!
Everyone – buy HURLEY just to show this dude what a jackass he is.
Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. You are stOOOpid, sir.))
And Neil Woodside says this, ((I am not going to be a complete die hard weezer fan here and try to kid myself that they are putting out good music here, but i also know that these guys are not interested in your money and are just wanting to make music that at the very least is pleasing to their ears. What shocks me is that in the few days this campaign has been launched you’ve managed to get a few hundred bucks.
How about this?
Campaign for even a quater of the money and do something worthwhile with it, charities are begging for this kind of money, hell maybe weezer will play a benefit gig with a set list chosen by you personally. You’ve got the interest, use it for something more worthwhile than this. I’m almost positive that if you raise 2.5 million for charity weezer will get involved and maybe it will restore faith in them.))


  1. You want to know what's funny? The site I was just on before this was the very one you are talking about in this post.

    StumbleUpon has spooky powers.

  2. Stumble upon has mystic powers beyond our comprehension.
