Sunday, October 03, 2010

Snooki receives a book deal…

Snooki receives a book deal…
From Reuters, ((The 22-year-old, better known by her nickname "Snooki," will publish a novel, aptly titled "A Shore Thing," in January 2011, Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, said on Wednesday. ))
And, my head is on fire too.  This is a woman that can barely speak on a 2nd grade level and someone is giving her a book deal.  No, she didn’t earn a book deal; they’re just giving her one.  This is truly an insult to every aspiring writer out there that hasn’t gotten a book deal. 
I bet this Snooki hasn’t ever entered a bookstore or library in her life other than to use the public bathrooms.  I went on a rant about this Jersey Shore cast claiming that the show is a simple enough idea.  Just gather a bunch of stupid people and throw alcohol at them.  Stick a camera in from of the mouth breathers, and it will be a hit.  Now, they’re taking it a step further by giving this little hobbit a book deal. 
A book f’ing deal…
That’s like giving a book deal to the drunken chick that’s always passed out in the bathroom at every party you go to.  Does that sound like a good idea to you?  Does Ghost Writer come to mind?  (Or Ghost Rider)
So, what is the story about from one of the greatest minds in the world?
From Reuters, ((The book will tell the tale of a "girl looking for love on the boardwalk (one full of big hair, dark tans, and fights galore)," Gallery said in a news release.))
It is safe to say she isn’t moving out of her comfort zone.  For a minute there, I thought she was going to write an epic sci-fi fantasy novel about time travel.  Maybe, that will be her second book?
I’m sorry, but this Jersey Shore thing has gone too far.  This whole Snooki being the strange mascot thing is not even cute anymore, and I am waiting for her 15 minutes of fame to be up. 
This really sends me over the edge. 

What just happened in this picture?

A. Snooki just gave the little yellow horse an STD

B. There is actual bacon within pages of the book. Thus, she is searching for some of them to fall out.

C. Her publicist told her to crack open of those flat-word-thingies and pretend to read while they took her picture.  


  1. Someone made a venn diagram for this with two circles... one for fans of Snooki, and one for people who read books.

    They did not overlap.

  2. I would have to say both A & C! My God, what has the world come to when they are giving book deals to someone like Snookie?!?

  3. MC: Sadly, I actually know some people that like that show, and that diagram is 100%. I just hope no one buys that book and doesn't give another Reality Star a book deal. However,that Mistress in NY get a newspaper job too.

    Marnie: They probably had to call the Hazmat team to clean the area because children played around there.

    I'm guess the sheer outrage from people like me will give them free PR and Promotion alone, because Snooki is such a train wreck. I'm just not sure who will read it.
