Sunday, October 24, 2010

Random Thoughts

Their Logo is so Extreme that it constantly on fire.  Those are passion flames from the heart of gamers everywhere.  BTW, what's up with the green tracing on the logo?  Is a Green Lantern protecting it?

Random Thoughts
~Game Crazy?: I had no idea that Game Crazy was even around. I remember EB Games and Game Stop. Game Crazy had a really bad training Video for new employees. Spoony decided to riff on this strange Training Video. What were they thinking when they made the training video? Having the lamest woman in the word speak in slang is just stupid. True that, peeps. Just watch the videos to see what I mean.
~Wikileaks: That sounds like a peeing problem to me. Anyway, I've heard a lot about this group, and didn't know what to think about them. But after reading about the group pissing off the Space Church, I'm totally behind them.
~Paranormal Activity 2 made 20 million on just Friday. Jackass has made over 73 million overall. Guess which studio owns both films? Paramount. Despite losing the Marvel Comics contract for Iron Man 3 and the Avengers, Paramount is really having a good year.
~Balloon Father sells a back scratcher: Richard Heene, the douche bag that faked the Balloon Boy story, is now trying his hand at selling useless shit like Vince Offer (Shamwow guy). He's selling an item called the “Bear Scratch”. It is basically a mounted piece of wood that you rub your back on. What is this guy smoking? Hey, Richard, there are plenty of gas stations hiring right now.
Don't take my word for it...

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