Monday, October 18, 2010

Michael Jackson Early Demos of Billie Jean

Michael Jackson Early Demos of Billie Jean
Here is the final Version of the song for comparison to the early demos
Home Demo
What is amazing about this demo is hearing the temp-music and hearing MJ feeling around for the notes and words. Surprisingly, the track isn't that raw.
2nd Demo
This one has a faster tempo, but is closer to the final version of the song than the one above.
3rd Version
This one has a slower pace and the lyrics are different in certain parts. And, there are portions of this demo that have MJ chords that aren't in the final version.
In the final version, MJ says, Who will dance on the floor in the round and in the demo he says, Where we go, in the winds, in the wild
The slower pace of the song doesn't really fit with the dance clubs, so I guess MJ decided to speed up the song and change a few lyrics here and there.

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