Thursday, September 23, 2010

Roger Rabbit 2 test footage finally revealed? (1998)

Roger Rabbit 2 test footage finally revealed? (1998)

Over at Big Fan Boy, they have video embedded into the story that is supposed to be screen test footage of the abandoned Roger Rabbit 2 project. In that project, they wanted to update Roger Rabbit with CGI models that interacted with real people instead of regular animated models. From what I read, the project was fairly into pre-production before everyone lost interest in it.

From what I can gather, the test footage is legit. Now, I still looking for story boards to Roger Rabbit 2 as well. I really liked what I saw in the video, and I am impressed with how well it looks for something out of the 90s.

I listed this web site before that will give you further insight into the history behind the failed attempt at a Roger Rabbit sequel. ( )

Side note: There is supposedly more footage than the few seconds we have here. From Film Buff Online, (( The test scene consisted of two animated weasels bursting into the office of a Hollywood agent to “persuade” him to audition their friend Roger. Roger then bursts into the room and proceeds to cause the kind of havoc only a `toon like he can. The test was designed to see if traditional animation and computer-generated images could be successfully combined with live action footage of the agent and his office. Roger and the weasels were realized through traditional animation while the weasels’ Tommy guns and a table that Roger breaks were rendered through CGI. Unfortunately, the result was not as successful as hoped for, so another test was ordered. This time both characters and props were animated with a computer and produced a much better result. ))


  1. Np, I've been looking everywhere for footage and sketches of the RR2 stuff from the 90s
