Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~Five Reasons Your Waitress Hates you: This is a pretty good list, but I do something on the list that could be seen as “Ordering off the menu”. I usually order my steak extremely well done. That means I want it somewhat burnt. What I don't like is when a person your with is extremely rude the server. The dickish behavior sort of rubs off on you.

~Wow, Mel Gibson, that is the lamest disguise I've ever witnessed. Did Mr. Potato Head inspire him? Yes, Gibson has completely lost his mind. It's time to call the doctors.

~One Rob Schneider Fan out there: I mentioned the whole fake reviewer incident that Sony created back in the day to my media criticism class. And, the fake reviewer gave a glowing review of Schneider's The Animal. I explained that to class and one guy said, “Hey, I like that movie.” I thought, “You're the one.”

~Halo Reach Call-In?: We have this Super Nerd at work. He's one of those nerds that even other nerds make fun of. He thinks he's the smartest asshole in the world and makes sure everyone knows it too. I ended up getting in an argument with him for no apparent reason other than to make sure I knew that he was top shit when it came to nerd stuff. He supposedly called in for that damn Halo Reach release. When I heard that, I couldn't believe it.

~Kid Rock and the Waffle House incident/fight: The lawsuit trial into the Kid Rock/Waffle House began. I've stated before that it is a given that at some point you will probably get beat up by some rednecks and thugs. I really hate Waffle House and I usually get sick every time I eat there. Waffle House feels like the Walmart of the food industry. Walmart is very cheap, but the customers leave much to be desired. Looking at the game film, Kid Rock's claim that he was defending himself doesn't hold much water.

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