Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Blogger: spam detection feature

Other than talking about Google’s bouncing balls, I would like to thank them for adding a new feature. It is called a spam detection feature. The only think that makes writing a blog annoying is dealing with a growing number of comment spam posts. And, it has gotten worst over recent months.

Not only do I have to deal with the massive Taiwanese porn comments, but also I have to delete Viagra spammers every day and sometimes twice a day. Viagra spammers at least try to make it sound legit by actually commenting on your post and reading your post, but it is still spam. The Spam blocking app seems to capture a few posts from these spammers. While I still have to delete a bunch of their comments, but at least Google is trying to deal with the problem.

I have to wonder why these spammers go through all the wasted hours to post their junk and then have it erased in a matter of minutes.

Blogger has really come a long way from when I first started blogging in 2005. They’ve even added a stats feature that is impressive. I’m glad I’ve stuck with my blog.

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