Friday, August 06, 2010

Star Wars Deleted Magic Repost of sorts

Star Wars Deleted Magic Repost of sorts

These amazing videos are comprised of behind the scene footage from Star Wars Episode Four. The video clearly shows many of the deleted scenes, re-shoots and other footage that was changed before the release. I wanted to take a deeper look into this footage on this repost of sorts.

Part 1

-The Star Wars: Somewhere, there is actual footage when the title cards at the beginning said “The Star Wars”. The kicker is Lucas renamed it Star Wars, but later inserted “Episode Four: A New Hope” in later prints.

-The Opening Crawl gives us a little bit too much information from the actual release. This was a good change.

-What is the story behind the Silver Protocol droid behind C-3PO? Was he just hanging out with R2 and 3PO before the attack playing cards? I was always curious as to what happened to the Silver guy? I do believe they sold his toy in the stores.

-In the script, 3PO seems more concerned for the Captain than the Princess.

-I love the outtake with the Storm Trooper tripping over an extra.

Part 2

-This has the original intro to Luke Skywalker. It was at this point that Luke was supposed to be introduced. We don’t get the gallant intro in the theatrical release. While I like the fact that Luke actually saw the battle between the rebel ship and the Empire ship from the planet, his other intro plays out better. Lucas never liked the early Luke scenes.

Part 3

-The R2 model never works that well on the Episode 4 set. It kept crashing into things and breaking down. You do see a little bit of R2 nearly crashing into the wall in the final film.

-David Prowse did all the lines as Vader on the set. He had no idea Lucas was going to replace his voice with James Earl Jones. I believe Prowse is still bitter about that change. This year I think it came to a head when Lucasfilm banned him from showing up any of their events. James Earl Jones was prefect for the voice of Vader.

-It’s pretty brutal to think that the Empire actually have people shooting down escape pods. The officer says, “There’s another one” meaning they’ve shot down a few.

Part 4

-Here is one of those famous Biggs scenes from SW. Every SW wants to see these scenes placed back into the movie.

-Luke wears his goofy hat in these scenes. You don’t see him wearing it in the actual film.

-You get to see all of Luke’s friends. We never know what happened to his other friends. They seem to be repairman and woman.

-There is also the nickname “wormy” given to Luke in these scenes. What?

Part 5

-Anthony Daniels had a lot of trouble in that suit.

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