Saturday, August 21, 2010

Death Museum?

Dr. Drew on Sociology back in 2008.

Drew tells it like it is about Sociology and their attacks on people working in the field of mental health.

Dr. Drew mentions a certain museum backed by the space church. The name of this museum is Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum. With a stupid name like that, would you want to set foot inside that building? If a fast food restaurant had “Death Burgers” on the front sign, I am not going inside. With all those media types paying money to the space church, you would think someone would tell them not to put “Death” in the title.

To my surprise, this damn Museum is very real. Basically, the museum connects everything bad that happened in the world back to Psychiatry. While being based in Hollywood, the “museum” tours around the country as well. It's free, as if anyone wants to pay to enter that thing.

With all that propaganda, it is no wonder a brainwashed Brandy Norwood attacked a church.

-Here's a rather amusing post about someone filling out a survey about “the museum”.

-Here's a funny account of someone reviewing this stupid museum.

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