Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Resident Evil 4 movie panel Stabbing at Comic Con

Resident Evil 4 movie panel Stabbing at Comic Con

It appears a fanboy in a “Harry Potter” shirt stabbed another Comic Con attendee with a pen in the eye. The guy in the picture above got arrested for being an angry nerd. The first thing I thought when I read this was, “Please don't let this be a black guy, pleeese.” Magically, we can chalk this one up to another “black person making the rest of us look bad” deal.

Usually nerds and geeks get mad behind the online mask and not on convention floors.

There are a few things to learn from this.

1 Don't get arrested wearing a Harry Potter shirt. The guys in jail are going to have a field day with you.

2 Was getting a seat in the Resident Evil panel really worth it? I mean it is safe to assume the movie is going to be total crap.

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