Friday, July 02, 2010

Not my kind of rave

Electric Daisy Carnival incidents

Some of it is a little graphic

Yes, the bit with the jammed people in the stairway with the shitty rave music is a little disturbing. It seems this sanctioned rave didn’t have enough security and too many assholes ruining it for all. Maybe, I’m not the right age for this kind of partying, but having extremely bad techno music blasting into my ear while high d-bags take off their shirts doesn’t sound like my idea of fun. But to each his own.

I know a few people that are into the rave scene, but I can’t even get through a normal house party without getting annoyed. Raves just aren’t my thing. But, something was terribly wrong with Electric Daisy Carnival because a lot of people got hurt.

From, ((According to the Los Angeles Times, because of the size of the event, paramedics were stationed at an on-site command post and over the two days, 226 injuries were reported, 114 of which required attention at hospitals. ))

On a serious note, a little girl died from a drug overdose at the event. From Billboard, ((A 15-year old girl died Tuesday from injuries related to a drug overdose, with Fox 11 News reporting that the girl's family today decided to remove her from life support after she hadn't shown signs of life since being admitted to a hospital over the weekend. ))

Yes, something needs to be done about this. And, URB has a great post about improving EDC (Six ways in fact).


  1. That video was completely ridiculous.

    I had no idea that people still "raved." Thought that that was 90s thing.

  2. Yeah, complete and utter chaos. It looks like the promoters of this thing do it across the US all the time. I didn't know the turn out was this huge
