Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Legend of Jessi Slaughter (No relation to Sgt. Slaughter)

The Legend of Jessi Slaughter (No relation to Sgt. Slaughter)

The video that started it all...

What do you get when you cross an annoying 11-year-old with a webcam and the entire Internet? A strange Internet Meme that continues to build upon itself. The video above is a typical pre-teen girl that believes the world revolves around her. Little did she know she was about to get more attention than she could imagine.

A certain group of people took to giving her a bit of Internet revenge, and that's when the shit hit the fan. It's been reported that she's had fake pizza deliveries sent to her and many harassing phone calls from people on the Internet.

Instead of letting her new found Internet fame fade, she posted a tearful response...with her father threatening the entire Internet. That's not the smartest thing to do.

I have to say that her father is total kickass person because he's a cross between a wrestler and a poor man's Billy Mays. You also have to love the vintage facial hair. I truly believe her crazy bushwhacker father will destroy the Internet and then Universe to protect his poser daughter.

Not since the Epic Beard Man has a meme turned into such an epic viral event. Phrases like “You dun goofed” and “Consequences will never be the same”. (What does that even mean?)

She has an entry on Dramatica and Know Your Meme.

She also has a definition in the Urban Dictionary. Here's one of the entries in the definition, ((A term made for those who act beyond their age through means of vulgar language, lewd pictures, and often threaten others in a manner so obscene it is almost laughable. "Jessi Slaughters" are often found on YouTube and other video streaming sites to vent their frustrations and babble on about nonsensical things such as waffles and fictitious romances. As a final note: "Jessi Slaughters" are also highly prone to internet memes. ))

That pretty much sums up exactly why they went after her. She had no business being on the Internet unsupervised at the age of 11. It is incidents like this one that are the reason she doesn't need to be on the WWW.

The Rock takes on Jessi Slaughter and the Billy Mays Clone

If Want to try some Ventrilo Harassment, someone compiled her father's clips and made a soundboard. Check it out!

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