Monday, June 14, 2010

True Blood starts out with a bang (so to speak) (Bad Blood)

True Blood starts out with a bang (so to speak) (Bad Blood)

Wow, they really crammed a lot into the season 3 opener. I’ve said time and time again that this is the way to adapt a vampire book series. I always felt True Blood was adult answer to the Twilight franchise. Sookie Stackhouse is more of an active character than Bella any day. She actually stands up to Vampires.

~Biker Gang Werewolves: I enjoyed watching these guys yell and act like crazy bikers after kidnapping Bill.

~Eric can have sex for six hours straight?: I guess some vampires have that ability to have sex with a stripper up that long.

~Even Vampire Queens are afraid of the IRS!: The whole the Vampire Queen is in the “V” trade is because she’s broke and the IRS is after her. That’s brilliant and I laughed when she said that.

~Suicide anyone: Tara tries to kill herself. The writers did their research and got that right. Many people just before committing suicide have this strange enlightened attitude.

~Kissing Female friends: Do female friends really have no problem turning into lesbians when asked to? You will never see me kiss my best dude friend…never.

~Did Bill have sex with Sam?: Nope, it was one of those vampire dreams.

~Someone is pregnant.


  1. Just curious, have you read the books Semaj? If so- what do you think about the way the stories have seperated?

  2. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I need to pick up her books this year. I've heard nothing but good things about them even from rival "Twilight" fans.

  3. I have the whole collection to-date and if you ever read them, lemme know and i'll compare notes with yas. *hug*

  4. What's the first book in the series? I'll go out to get it this week.
