Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Police officer punches 17-year-old girl: (Judge Dread II?)

On a serious note…

Police officer punches 17-year-old girl: Basically, this whole thing was over a stupid jaywalking incident. Way to protect the world from Jaywalkers, Seattle Police.

Since Seattle is devoid of almost all crime, it is refreshing to see that they've zeroed in on the last crime...jaywalking. (I'm being glib) I want the rest of the world to learn from Seattle’s crime stopping tactics, so we can all feel safe just like Seattle.

This goes back to my rant about cops actually preventing real crimes like gang wars, rape, and robberies instead of traffic stops and jaywalking. Well, preventing crime doesn't give money to the government, ticketing and fining your population will. It probably takes more money catching/prosecuting/jailing a suspect than giving someone a chicken shit ticket.

Should the girl have touched the cop? Nope, but was the Chris Brown punch from the cop a proper response? Nope, you don't touch an officer. (Follow up to the news). On the other side, young black people really need to understand that shouting and acting forceful will not help matters. Let the cop arrest her, and make sure to get it on tape. Let the officer's own actions speak for themselves and not your response to it.

This is the same police force that kicked some Mexican a few months ago and discovered he was the wrong guy.

In this video, there is no debate that the police are in the wrong. They kick and cut a Mexican American and then let him go without medical help. To protect and serve my ass.

I could say more about this story, but I’m getting sleepy.

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