Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Orphan (2009)

Orphan (2009)

Orphan is frustratingly bad and good at the same time. It is a shame the movie falls into complete slasher territory in the third act when the first two acts are handled so well. It’s like baking the best cake ever and then you drop it on the floor before you eat it.

After a stillborn baby, a couple decides to adopt a little girl named Esther. At first Esther, seems to fit into the family structure, but certain things appear wrong with her.

The movie does have some truly disturbing moments that will make your skin crawl. The opening scene with the dream scene involving a bloody childbirth will make you wench. But, the movie has a reason for showing you this disturbing dream, because it fits in with the character development of Vera Farmiga’s character.

The movie takes its time developing the descent of jealousy and mistrust of Vera’s character. Isabelle Fuhrman (Esther) is simply brilliant as this deranged “orphan”. Fuhrman goes so far in one scene that I’m surprised the producers let a little girl do that scene, and it will probably make you want to turn the movie off because it is creepy. I don’t want to give it away, but it just shows you how much this little girl can act. Fuhrman is creepy and keeps the accent throughout. I only wish I can praise her in the third act, but the movie turns into a standard slasher film.

The movie completely loses its good will from me when they turn Esther into an unyielding killing machine in the last act. It becomes humorously bad when nothing can destroy this little “girl”. They go for one after another false-death moments toward the end. They will make you laugh when you’re not supposed to.

The other major problem with the movie is the story never gives us a convincing motive behind Esther’s craziness. She seems to be crazy for the plot and nothing else. To my surprise, the script did in fact explain why she behaves the way she does. It was never put into the film.

Orphan is everything that I like and hate about modern horror/thriller movies. Today’s thrillers drop the ball in the third act and Orphan is no different. The movie has an okay concept with a poor execution. If anything, see it for Isabelle Fuhrman’s performance.

Grade: C-

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