Saturday, June 05, 2010

Giant Shark Vs. Airplane

Giant Shark Vs. Airplane

Film Brain already reviewed the movie where this scene comes from (Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus review), but the scene below just shocks and amazes me at the same time.

That’s right that just happened. A giant shark jumps out of the water and eats a freaking plane. There is so much wrong with this scene that I don’t know where to begin. Of course The Asylum production company is behind the gem of a movie.

~Check out the acting from the actor that says, “Holy Shit!” There is a delay to his reaction that makes it all the funnier.

~Was the Giant Shark just hungry for metal and jet fuel? Does that make any sense?

~Does the damn shark just randomly jump out of the water hoping to catch a plane?

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