Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chris Brown, really? Is that crying? There's no crying in BET

Chris Brown, really? Is that crying?

Maybe, Kanye West should have interrupted him.

Man, I'm calling BS on this one, but not because I say it was a PR move. But, are people willing to forgive and forget?

I don’t know about you, but I thought it was a little pathetic. But to be fair, he did a pretty good job before he broke down crying.

From MTV, ((But Brown's onstage breakdown divided viewers: Was he emotionally overwhelmed by the moment, or were his tears a publicity stunt designed to garner favor after his assault of former girlfriend Rihanna?))

Does weeping on stage make me forget the picture of a beaten, bruised and bloody Rihanna? Nope. But I think the MJ song “Man in the Mirror” kind of hit a little too close to home for Chris Brown. At that moment, he started to actually think about the horrible things he did to her before, during and after the beating. (Exactly how did those nude pictures of Rihanna get released on the Internet, Chris?)

JunebugObama gives another point of view. I don't agree with it, but he does bring up a sound argument.

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