Monday, June 21, 2010

The A-Team (Review 2 of 2)


The Score

Alan Silvestri’s score does use the famous A-Team theme throughout the movie, but Silvestri brings his own flavor of themes and cues. Interestingly enough, Alan’s score is closer to his music from the late 80s and early 90s. I really enjoyed the score in the flying the tank scene.

It is good to see some strong film scores from this movie and the new Karate Kid film.

The Directing

I felt there were a few instances where director Joe Carnahan went a bit too far with the “Shaky Cam” and it does distract from the action set pieces. It makes it hard to keep up with what is going on screen.

It is a real shame that Carnahan has to fall into the Michael Bay action mode in a few scenes, because many of his scenes are solid.

Final Thoughts

The A-Tean is a fun and big movie adaptation to the much beloved TV from the 80s. They updated enough things to make it fit into our faster-paced views while maintaining some of the sillier elements that made 80s TV so charming.

The acting and music are completely in tune with the overblown action story. If you like your action movies not to take themselves seriously, then this is your summer movie.

Grade: B

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