Saturday, March 27, 2010

Top Five Hate List

Top Five Hate List

Well, there are certainly enough a-holes and d-bags to fill up an entire Top Ten List, but I decided to narrow it down to five this week.

5. Simon Monjack (Again): When he’s not starting up fake foundations or being accused of banging his dead wife’s mother (allegedly), he gives tours of the bathroom where Brittany Murphy collapsed. Uh, shouldn’t that be a bit of a private matter? It just seems creepy that he would let people take a tour of that location.

4 Kirstie Alley: For some reason, Alley is has bad vibes with Conan since he made fun of her weight. He’s a comedian, he makes fun of everyone not just you, Kirstie. She’s starting to brag that she has a TV show and Conan doesn’t. Uh, Conan is getting paid a lot of money to not be on The Tonight Show, you’re basically doing a paid-commercial for your stupid Organic diet. From Examiner, (("Really most of those people have been in some pickles themselves...And some people overdo it a little bit. I don’t want to say names...Conan O’Brien...and I don’t want to say the word karma, but he doesn’t have a show. I do!")) Wow, she is a bitter woman.

3 Paul Greengrass: I really don’t want him to be on this list, but I have no choice. If you’re going to throw away 100 million this is the fastest way to do it. Did anyone in his or her right mind think Green Zone was going to make any money? Pretty much every Gulf War II movie has bombed. Did he think this one would make a difference? Not even the Hurt Locker made that much money and it won the gold. People go to the movies to get away from shit, and not to be reminded how shitty life is. I may not agree with it, but it is the truth.

2 Gloria Allred: If there is a cheating famous person around, this woman will represent any home-wrecker/slut there out. Why is Allred defending these women? It’s not like they’re in legal trouble. They just knowingly had a relationship with a married man. If they were good people, they would have thought about Sandra Bullock’s feelings. Would a true feminist defend what these women did on their side of the affair? Let the story fade and let Sandra and D-Bag divorce in peace, Gloria. No one cares about slut number three or four.

1 Jesse James: Sorry, I’m not talking about the “American Outlaw”, but the dude that married Speed 2/Hope Floats (Sandra Bullock). Are you f’ing kidding me? You cheated on your wife with tattooed, zombie-fied, Nazi-ed super-slut Michelle McGee. Talk about aiming for low-hanging fruit.

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