Monday, March 29, 2010

Ricky Martin is, really? hold the phone wow.


Ricky Martin comes out.

Newsflash, Ricky Martin is gay. Uh, was anyone shocked by this reveal? Did no one know he was in the closet? The whole just says, “Duh, like we already knew that, buddy.”

It always felt like one of those “I’ll deny it, but we know I’m gay” situations. Numerous times in the past, he would make strange long-winded answers to the rumors that he was gay. Like this one, (("I am a modern man, live a full life, do not feel any barriers inside myself. I perceive the contemporary world as an open forum, where nothing is taboo except criminal activity. If I were gay, why not admit it?...I am a normal man. I love women and sex. I am a real hot-blooded Puerto Rican, but I have never been attracted by sex with a man."))

I’m not even sure what the he just said there.

Just watch one of his music videos

I actually I have no problem with him being gay. I have a problem with him coming out now because his music career isn’t exactly “Livin' La Vida Loca” these days. It’s much safer for him to come out today after the “Latin Lover” phase of his career is over. So, there were probably a few of his fans in the dark so to speak. I guess this will add another 15 minutes to his fame.

I find it more offensive that people found his music appeal gay or straight.

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