Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just One of the Guys

Just One of the Guys

I just finished watching this movie on

This movie from the 80s isn’t really a classic, but most boys growing up probably remember the scene where Joyce Hyser rips open her shirt to show that she is completely woman. And, this was a PG-13 movie.

Here are a few thoughts about the movie.

~The script has a very uncanny resemblance to Soul Man. Soul Man came out a year after Just One of the Guys. Instead of a woman turning into a dude, Soul Man is just a white dude turning himself black in order to get a scholarship.

~Joyce Hyser is probably the hottest girl in the movie, even with the boyish haircut. But, her acting isn’t exactly that good. It is funny to hear her do her boy voice. Btw, you can check out her “topless” picture from the movie here (NSFW).

~She looks like a shorter version of Ralph Macchio when she is dressed as a boy. They even mention that in the movie. She even sounds like Macchio.

~ William Zabka plays the same type of (evil) school bully that he played in Karate Kid. Just make him the same damn character.

~ Billy Jayne is the horny little brother. You will remember him from the show Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. He was Parker’s friend. Jayne has aged very well and seems to have a better career than some of the other actors in the film.

~The whole concept behind the movie is very flawed. I don't think no one in their right mind would believe Joyce Hyser was a boy in the movie. Maybe a lesbian trying to dress as a boy. Hyser had too many feminine features. Perhaps that was part of the joke.

I'm confused. Am I supposed to be turned on by this picture or repulsed? Both?

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