Sunday, March 14, 2010

Facebook? Me is Confused.

Major Facebook screw up

From Hugh ((Hey stupid people, it's called ))

I love it when a herd of people mistakenly do something over and over again. I read an entry over at Encyclopaedia Dramatica involving a story about a bunch of Facebook users confusing an actual news article as the damn Login for Facebook. That's right they did a Google search and tried logging into Facebook on a Website that isn't connected to Facebook. The funniest part about this story is comments from the confused users left in the comment section. Many of them tried logging into facebook not realizing this was just a web site talking about Facebook.

I've noticed many of them are over 45. This probably proves that they only know how to use Facebook and nothing else. I can see MySpace users doing this, but Facebook users are supposed to be smarter and certainly more Internet savvy. I guess I was wrong.

Make sure to read the comments on the actual page here. There are about 40 pages of good content there for you to read. Here are a few of my favorite ones.

((I am going to delete my account (IF I CAN EVER LOG IN) as this SUCKS BIG TIME ! If this does not get back to NORMAL you are going to lose a lot of folks who hate this and as you can see from all the comments they think it sucks too !!! facebook was great for connecting with old friends, NOT SO MUCH. SO HOW DO I LOG IN ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ))

((sucks ))

((This is a waste of everyone's time!!! Fix this fast!! ))

((this is a bunch of bullsh--! am i loged in? ))

((hello i want in now whats goin on,jus wen i wasstartin 2 ike it ))

Then someone came to the comment section and enlightened the confused bunch. This brave and smart woman was Kate.

Kate said, ((ummm guys? Everyone realizes this page is not Facebook right? To login to Facebook, go to Facebook, and use the login option. This is a blog post about Facebook which references logging in.))

Then another woman tries to give people a way of getting into their old facebook, but she is giving bad directions because there is nothing wrong with their Facebook. ((for those of you that want to get in face book now just go to Bing..put in face book and search (or it will pop up) hit on face book login and it takes you to your password page...i did it....
if this ever gets back to normal I will use the address bar from now on..... ))


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