Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Taylor Swift Backlash?

Taylor Swift Backlash? (NY Times Story here)

I wasn’t aware there was any, but I guess I was wrong. Heck, I had no idea who Swift was until that famous run-in with Kanye West on stage. I still haven't sat down and listened to one of her songs, but that might have something to do with me not like country music.

I'm not taking up for her, but why are the same people that defended her during the Mr. West incident bashing her now? I'm just saying.

Then again, Angel Mote at the Facebook group (Yo Taylor, ima let you finish, but Lady GaGa had the best album of the year) Stated what I just stated but gave a reason for the backlash. Angel: ((Lol I find it ironic that everyone attacked kanye west after the Vmas. Now we all have come to our senses and realized that taylor swift doesn't compare to beyonce, or lady gaga. Lady gaga is creative, she is interesting, she is talented. Taylor swift can't sing, can't perform, and can't dance!!! Poor lady gaga, robbed... from her grammy by a egotistical maniacal teeny bopper.))

And, people were pulling for Lady Gaga over Swift? Really? I guess half the people watching were fans of Robotic music.


  1. You know I don't really have a horse in this race, but when exactly did Taylor Swift become a "egotistical maniacal teeny bopper" ?

  2. Why does everyone hate Taylor so bad??? She is AMAZING! Lady Gaga is a FREAK!!! Taylor is inspirational and has a natural talent that Lady Gaga could only dream of. And speaking of robot music, you know she uses a computer!! Taylor can sing, dance, and perform way better than Lady Gaga and has worked hard for the success that she never asked for.

  3. MC: Exactly, I just heard some of her music and her interviews and she never has come across that. I just see her as "Mostly Harmless". I dont understand the fast turn around on hate.

    Tenor Chick: Lady Gaga has really gotten on my nerves with her stupid outfits and strange stage shows. I don't get the praise she gets let alone the hate Swift gets.
