Sunday, February 14, 2010

Random Things (Special Valentine edition)

Random Things (Special Valentine edition)

~Well, it is time for that overrated time of the year, Valentine's Day. I loathe this day because gives yet another reason for loved ones to flaunt their undying love to their lover. I'm more of a realist that doesn't think will love last forever. I think people try to convince themselves into thinking that the relationship will never change and that the other will not fall out of love with them. Instead of spending time with their loved ones, they spend money on dying flowers instead of giving them something that will last forever. Maybe I'm just too bitter to cloud my mind into thinking this is a wonderful Holiday. Where's my Singles' Day?

~Top 10 Reasons not to get married: I can dig this list, and I think marriage works out many of my friends, but I find the concept of marriage...well, flawed. I have so many friends that are married or getting married than I have single friends. Here are a few worth noting.

Marriage will make her let herself go: I’ve seen this a lot, but in both men and women. It’s like the fight is gone, and they get comfortable with themselves. You don’t have to workout to get the other sex.

Marriage is forever: Yes, forever is a long time…too long. I couldn’t get into a contract like that.

Marriage often fails: Despite the overwhelming data that 50% of marriages will fail, the couples think that they will be the ones to beat the odds. I guess I could flip a coin.

~Kelly Osbourne is slim now: Yes, she looks better now, but there wasn’t much of a problem with her when she was a little heavier. The problem was her attitude and her career. Ladies, losing weight isn’t the be all of solving life problems. You have to change who you are from inside not just focusing in on the outside. Instead of being annoying-slightly heavy hack that rides on the coattails of her father’s name, she is a skinner version of an annoying hack that rides on the coattails of her father’s name. Great, I sound like Yoda.

~Is Cupid a mutant? He has little wings on his back and looks like a baby, but has the smarts of an adult. Does that mean he is a member of the X-Men?

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