Sunday, February 21, 2010

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~This guy talks about Chatroulette: He pretty summed up my time on the site. You're going to see a lot of dudes wanking it to the webcam and no hot chicks taking off their tops. Sorry...

~John Wall (One and Done) phenomenon seems to have a stupid dance that Kentucky fans seem to enjoy. Does that mean they'll still his dance after he leaves for the NBA next year? I hate sports fans, I really do. Can you do the John Wall dance? BTW, John Wall is seen as a God in Kentucky by Cats Fans.

~Remember Desiree Jennings? She was that cheerleader chick that walked funny after taking a flu shot. The Samurai Frog has posted a video of the woman walking perfectly normal when the cameras were sneaking around filming her. I'm glad SF is talking about this because not many people are.

~The Current Woldwide Homcide/Murder Rates: At first, I was a little shocked who had the highest rate. If you notice, there are red points on nations that have huge organized crime gangs or groups. Russia is at 29.70 per 100,000. Brazil 30.80, Colombia 61.10 and most of the lower half of Africa.

~Leo Laporte, I had no idea...

~Ryan Sorba: When a room full of conservative boo you off stage, you know you've gone way too far. For some reason, this Sorba guy has a hard-on for anti-gay issues. How does this man care so much about attacking the gay community? Did he just compare a bunch of Republicans to a group of lesbians? GOP, you really need to distance yourself from people like this.

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