Monday, February 08, 2010



I remember hearing good things about this movie, and I have to say I am in complete agreement with those people. Moon is a strong Sci-fi film with a sharp screenplay. It starts out as one movie, but turns into something completely different by the end.

In the future, a guy named Sam (Sam Rockwell) is alone working on mining the Moon for a new fuel source. His job is to send the fuel source back to Earth. The only company Sam has is a robotic AI that tends to his needs named GERTY (voiced by Kevin Spacey). After being on the Moon for three years, he’s starting to see things…

That’s all I’m going to reveal about the plot, because it would be wrong to say anything else. And there is a huge plot twist to the movie early on. But, it seems natural to what has happened before.

The relationship between Sam and the robotic GERTY has shades of 2001. Spacey’s line delivery will remind you of the haunting tone of HAL. Sam Rockwell does a swell job conveying a guy that’s been on his own for nearly three years, there are hints that his mind is starting turn as his three year contract is up.

Director Duncan Jones show great promise with his subtle director style here. While many of his shots will remind you of 2001 and Alien, he’s doing that on purpose. Jones’ script, while using many hardcore sci-fi conventions, does bring some refreshing smart storytelling elements. Characters figure out the problems early on instead of playing dumb for the script. Jones also lets his script stay vague in some ways, so you can make up your own mind.

Like I stated earlier, Moon is a very science fiction story at its core. I enjoyed the issues it brought up throughout. Sam Rockwell really gets to shine here and you’ll like the twist that happens early in the movie. Go out and rent this film.

Grade: B+

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