Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Mel Gibson, chill out...

Mel: "Do you two have "Brave-Hearts" to see my Lethal Weapon?"

Mel Gibson, you’re the asshole (CNN post)

This is like the second interview I’ve seen where Mel Gibson has come across as a total asshole. Mel Gibson to me seems like a bitter guy that doesn’t really get why so many people hate him. Yeah, he said some terrible remarks, but it is his actions after the incident that seems to make it even worst.

The drinking coffee and giving the half-ass thumbs up just seems to reek of pure asshole-ness. This is not the way to promote a movie, Mel. If everyone starts to remember why they hated you before, they won’t go see your little movie. You could be your own worst nightmare.

I really don’t see anyone wanting to interview or work with this guy again if this is how he acts. I’ve really grown to hate Mel, and this coming from someone is a fan of his work. I loved his work in the Lethal Weapon series, Payback, Braveheart, and Maverick. While I will probably never see The Passion of the Christ, I think he did an outstanding job with Apocalypto in the director’s seat. But, damn man you really need a chill pill. (On second thought, no don’t take a chill pill. You’re in rehab.)

From CNN, (("That's been almost four years, dude," he told Richards. "I've moved on. But I guess you haven't." Richards said he just wondered whether Gibson thought the public had moved on, to which Gibson replied, "Well, I certainly hope so. That was a while back, and I've done all the necessary mea culpas, so ... let's move on, dude."))

Yes, Mel, it has been four-five years. That should not mean you should acting like someone pooped in your Cheerios every time someone brings it up either. Now, some of these media types will know how to ‘grind your gears’ and mention it just to get ratings. That’s like Superman telling all his enemies how to defeat him.

Stop being a total asshole and grow some balls and answer the damn questions, Mel.

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