Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison: A Scientology Front?

Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison: A Scientology Front?

Lt. Saavik, I’m disappointed in you. Like everyone else, I remember reading about her planning her own weight-loss plan after she left Jenny Craig. I didn’t believe her. Now, it’s been revealed that she does in fact have her own “weight-loss” program. The program, with a membership fee, uses organic methods to supposedly slim down the person.

They call the program Organic Liaison. (She has the site up and running with strange bubbles and fish: Plus, there is a strange Flash cartoon with Kirstie Alley that is beyond spooky.)

I’m all for her trying to get healthy, and trying a new program, but there’s something not right about this Organic Liaison program. So, after doing some searches, I noticed people on blogs connecting the Organic Liaison program with a known Scientology front and certain people from the Organic Liaison board are connected to the Space Church. Anonymous were the ones that discovered the connection between this diet company and the church.

Do I want my money going toward an organization I don’t support?

Why aren’t they mentioning that they’re connected to Scientology? Xenu will be pissed.

More notes

-Scientology doesn't really have a good track record on getting people to lose weight.

-Michelle Seward is one of Advisory Board members: There is no mention of her association with the Church.

-Even more connections.

-More information.

So, is this the diet version of the "Kobayashi Maru"?


  1. I don't think it's a front for Scientology at all, I think it's just an obvious cash generating business venture, but then again it's not that uncommon with Celebrities in America.

  2. I'm not sure if you are a spammer or something else, so at the moment I'll leave your comment here.

    I'm not sure what your point is really.

  3. Snake oil, that's all it is.

  4. Kirstie Alley Diet linked to Scientology
    interesting info on this site
    work checking out before you decide on the diet or if it is safe.

  5. I'd like to hear some real people if this stuff has actually worked for them.
