Monday, February 15, 2010

Brittany Murphy Foundation not a Foundation?

Brittany Murphy Foundation not a Foundation? (And all the drama in between)

Do you remember my post about not giving money to that Brittany Murphy Foundation? This weekend all heck broke loose when TMZ discovered that the BMF (not Bad Mother-F’er) wasn’t registered as a charity.

From the TMZ Story, ((The California Secretary of State's office told TMZ there are no records for The Brittany Murphy Foundation. The state Attorney General's office also has no record of the organization as a nonprofit group -- and the IRS says the foundation has not filed for a non-profit license.))

Keep in mind the money-strapped Simon Monjack was the owner of the Foundation with Brittany’s mother. Many people in the blogsphere called Simon Conjack and for good reason too.

After TMZ did some digging and tried contacting the Foundation, the site magically went down for maintenance. Did the site commit suicide out shame of scamming people out of money or did someone realize they could end up in legal trouble?

Later that day, the site was magically back up with this new very special message. ((We began the Brittany Murphy Foundation to honor Brittany's wishes and to give her family, friends, and fans a way of keeping her legacy alive. In an effort to get the foundation off the ground quickly, we established it as a private foundation with plans to apply for nonprofit status down the road. However, after some thought, we have decided instead to wait until we have our nonprofit status approved before proceeding to ensure that we can truly honor Brittany's charitable desires. Any donations made up until this point will be returned until we have all our paperwork solidified.

We would like to thank the thousands of people who have reached out with kind words of love and support; you have made the hardest journey a little bit easier.

We hope you will bear with us and check back regularly for updates on the foundation. We hope to have it back up and running as soon as possible.))

Sure, whatever you say there, Simon. I should be more outraged with the way he’s been trying to cash in on his wife’s death, but he was cashing in on her by leeching off her when she was alive. Has this man even written anything since marrying her, because he’s supposed to be a screenwriter?

Great, TMZ killed the site...

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