Sunday, February 28, 2010

Abercrombie-Land: More Hate


My five reasons to hate Abercrombie & Fitch has gotten a lot of hits over the months, but I wanted to give this Anon guy his own spotlight. He left a comment talking about the rudeness of the Abercrombie store associates.

Here is the comment from the person that had a bad experience at one store.

((Anonymous said...

I hate abercrombie and fitch. I am so outraged by the treatment I receive every time I go to the Abercrombie here in Wichita, KS. It is completely disgusting how the associates at the counter forget to show a shred of respect toward their paying, job-sustaining customers. Every time I go in there the associates are outright rude to me, rolling their eyes, talking back to me, attempting to embarass me in front of everyone in the store, and completely treating me like there is a problem with my mere presence shopping there. I'm not even going to bother describing who I am, or what I look like, or how much money I make simply because it should not **** matter! Everyone should be shown respect who walks into the store. I'm so outraged, if I wanted to have a conversation with an ungrateful, uncomprehending, stuck-up teenager I will have to go to another store with associates who are slightly more reasonable than those who work at this Abercrombie and Fitch location.))

I remember reading about the way they treated customers from other places, but could remember anything about it. So, I did some digging, and I found this site talking about some of the same complaints the Anon guy was talking about. I really liked the one about the bad techno music playing too loud.

So, is A&F the Nickelback of the clothing stores?

How does a company have a F' you attitude about things and still stay in business? Then, again buying a damn shirt for $40 seems a bit dumb to me.

Further reading

~Here are a few more reviews.

~Here is a great editorial on the problems with the store.

~The Urban Dictionary's definition

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