Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Year One

Jack Black: “Why are you doing this? I already apologized for making Envy.”

Crowd: “You’re here for Nacho Libre, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, and The Holiday.”


Year One

Wow, what a letdown. The trailers made this comedy seem kind of funny. To be fair, it probably was good concept in early drafts, but the final product just isn’t that good. Year One has a few funny moments, but the movie isn’t that good as a whole. That’s biggest problem with the film, it feels too cut and paste to make much sense as clear narrative. It has a let’s throw everything against a cave wall and see what sticks.

Producer Judd Apatow should be a shame of himself here for putting his name on such a bland film. And, it gets worst. Harold Ramis hasn’t gotten any better since Analyze That. Ramis just seems to cut from one lame joke to another without it much making sense. Apatow and Ramis needed to work on the script a few more drafts.

Jack Black plays Jack Black, but in ancient times. Michael Cera plays Michael Cera…in ancient times. I like David Cross, but he’s basically playing the Jar-Jar Binks of the movie, popping up whenever he’s not wanted. I have to say the Cain and Abel scene is kind of brutal. But, Cross isn’t that funny, and I have to blame the material for that.

The story is very similar to Mel Brooks’ History of the World Part 1, but not as funny or biting. The plot does cover Biblical and Regular history in its own way. Yet, we also get Jack Black eating poop and Cera peeing into his own mouth for good measure.

With only a few laughs here and there, Year One is very funny. It is a huge step down for the Apatow gang and just another embarrassment feather in the hat of Ramis.

Grade: D+

Jack Black: “Would you like to try to Kung-Fu my Panda some time?”
How in the hell did Mc-Loving make it into this movie? Time Machine…

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