Monday, January 18, 2010

Jennifer’s Body

Jennifer’s Body

I wasn’t expecting much from this horror movie, but it turned out much better than I thought. With one major casting flaw, Jennifer’s Body comes across more uneven than horrible. I first thought the movie was going to be about bashing boys and showing girl power, but it isn’t about that at all.

A crappy band of devil worshipers decide to sacrifice a virgin in order to get famous. The only problem is the cheerleader they pick to kill isn’t a virgin. Because Jennifer has already been de-flowered, the demonic sacrifice becomes twisted and Jennifer starts eating people.

Diablo Cody’s script ranges from being completely solid to strange hipster talk. The hipster talking is sometimes a bit much to handle because Cody’s script does have some interesting things to say. One of the things Cody does correct is the relationship between Jennifer and Needy. Despite the gore and violence, their relationship feels real. Many girls do grow up with these strange friendships that guys would never have. Cody understands this, and the movie needed more of this to fill out the story. But, there is something here enduring about what is in the script.

The movie also needed a few more murders. Yet, the gore is pretty intense in some scenes. The movie certainly doesn’t shy away from showing us a lot of blood and guts. There is a bit of decent humor thrown in there too.

Amanda Seyfried as Needy portrays the nerdy girl fairly well. She never goes completely over the top with the hipster talk, and makes her believable. I certainly remember some girls like her back in my high school days. The rest of the cast is fair.

However, the biggest problem with the movie is Megan Fox. Megan Fox looks very hot, but damn she can’t act worth a damn. Even playing the “hot” girl in high school, she has trouble with that character. Fox has no business headlining movies.

Diablo Cody’s movie isn’t as good as Juno, but it does do some things right. And, it is certainly more fulfilling than some of those atrocious PG13 horror films (I’m looking at you One Missed Call).

Grade: C


-BTW, this is the same director that brought us the mess Æon Flux. Man, she did a better job with this movie.

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