Sunday, January 03, 2010

James Horner rips-off himself!

James Horner rips-off himself!

While watching Avatar, I noticed the same music Horner recycled from all his action scores thrown into Avatar. As I sat in the theater, I started to get pissed off because he used the damn “danger music” at a huge moment in Avatar.

Listen to that moment below at the 5:25 mark...

James Horner can be a good composer when he tries, but most of the time he just rips-off his older scores. At one point, he was merely ripping the sheet music from his Star Trek II score. Many movie score fans have been complaining about Horner's laziness for years. I remember tons of discussions about Horner's rip-offs in the Streaming Soundtracks chat logs. Right now he's using his Troy/Enemy at the Gates style in all his movies now.

I think his recycled score for Avatar really harmed the film. James Cameron should have used John Williams.

Like I stated before, I like Horner, but I'd like to see him move out of his Enemy at the Gates phase.


-Discussion about Horner and his rip-offs.

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