Saturday, January 16, 2010

Arsenio Hall goes off

Arsenio Hall goes off on Queer Nation

I vaguely remember hearing about this incident. Arsenio Hall goes off and pretty much makes some good points here. It seems a radical gay rights organization Queer Nation attacked Hall's show. What got me interested in the incident was because Hall has had gay guests on his show, and I'm not sure why Queer Nation decided to attack only Hall's show.

I've supported gays rights and I strongly support gay marriage, but to go into so-called heterosexual establishments and do a so-called walk-in isn't going to help your cause. Perhaps, if there was a “Heterosexuals only” signs in the establishments, then I'd agree with them. But to attack Arsenio Hall at the time seemed a little unfocused.

Like I wrote before, Arsenio held his own against these guys. And, this coming from not the biggest Hall fan.

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