Monday, December 21, 2009

Sarah Palin (And, the visor-gate)

Sarah Palin (And, the visor-gate)

Like I've stated before, I generally shy away from politics on my blog, because frankly it bores me. But, Sarah Palin seems to peak my interest with every news story. This time it is over a hat. While vacationing in Hawaii, someone got a photo of her wearing a McCain 2008 visor. However, Sarah blacked out the name McCain on her visor with a marker. Now, some may think it isn't a big deal, and it probably wasn't, but others believe there was something bigger going on.

Because this story broke, Sarah and her family decided to leave the vacation spot early. (Boo-Whoo)

Here are a few theories;

1 She just wanted to go around unnoticed, so she blacked out the McCain lettering: This is the theory that Camp Palin says what happened. Considering how rich they are, this seems like a stupid move to me. Why not just buy a cheap hat from one of the hundreds of stores around the area. And, what about the gift shops near and in hotels? While you're at it, Sarah, you should have used some duct-tape too. The amount of time to take a marker out and blackened the name McCain would have equaled the amount of time to buy a fresh visor from a street vendor.

2 This was either a public or personal statement that she hates John McCain: We've all heard the reports about McCain's people having clashes with Sarah over her “Going Rogue” actions. This could have been a little inside joke between her and her husband, and it was only caught because of the photo.

3 She wanted to get back into the news because everyone's attention has been on all the death and sex scandals: Keep in mind there wasn't much of peep from new sites because their focus was on a certain sex scandal, Twitter, Chris Brown and Courtney Love. What better way to get your name in the news again but to do some McCain bashing? Like this blogger has stated, this is good way of showing the hard right she is on their side by disrespecting the more center leaning McCain. McCain bashing seems to be the thing to do now.

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