Thursday, December 24, 2009

Rock the Vote...or we will not f' you

Rock the Vote...or we will not f' you

Head over to and check out a rather funny Parody of those annoying Rock the Vote ads. While I think it is important to promote young people into voting, having Paris Hilton and P-Ditty telling me to vote isn't exactly that smart of a move. Actually, people like Hilton probably shouldn't vote.


  1. Believe it or not, that "Rock the Vote" Video I have up.....was NOT a parody. It was real. Check the "Rock the Vote" website. While it may have been in a tad bit of was still ridiculous.

    Thanks for the links, I'll add you to my "Friends of Doodiepants" on the sidebar.

    Pura Vida

  2. Whoa that was real? I can't believe they got away with that.

    Thanks for dropping by
