Friday, December 04, 2009

MegaFault (2009)

MegaFault (2009)

Yet another 2012 knockoff…and this one stars Brittany Murphy.

I remember when Brittany Murphy was the next hottest thing coming out of Hollywood. And, I am not going to lie, but I think she is extremely cute. But starring is in this movie is beyond making a dud. I have to wonder if she did this as a favor. There are also confirmed rumors that she was just S-canned from another movie, so I guess she need all the coin she can get.

Of course, this is another “The Asylum” studio production. Yeah, the same guys behind 2012 Supernova. Heck, some of the same people from that Supernova movie helped create this mess.

Basically, the planet starts to crack like a damn egg and only the dude from ER, Senator Kelly , and Brittany Murphy can save us from destruction.

Will she die in the movie? "She'll never tell."

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