Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cameron vs. fan?

James Cameron is a jerk but…

Cameron has always been an asshole and any fan of Cameron should at this point know he’s a major asshole. Why is it a surprise to anyone that he treats people like shit? Granted, I would have signed the autograph because it would have taken only one minute. But still…

Here’s the problem I have with the whole situation. There is this strange sense of entitlement that certain fans have with stars and creators. They feel that the people creating the art need to bow down to them because they buy their stuff. While I believe you deserve respect and Cameron should have handled it differently, turning from fan to hater is a poor move. Why try to get Cameron to sign an Avatar poser if you didn’t like the movie? Just because they create something doesn’t mean they need to hear shit from you

After the director or actor turns you down the first time, let it go. Why keep pestering him afterwards with signing it? And truth be told, was this guy really a fan? Something tells me he was autograph seeker trying to sell Cameron’s autograph online.

Like I stated before, I’m not defending Mr. Cameron because the guy is a notorious asshole. But don’t hound the man.

Sidebar: Ultra-D-bag John Mayer has decided to add his two cents to the story no matter what.

Sidebar II: This story reminds me of that incident with Gary Coleman and that fan that wanted his autograph. He didn't want to do it, and she insulted him. That led to Coleman getting hit.

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