Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ripper (1996)

Ripper (1996) (Wiki Page)

Here's the amusing Let's Play of the game.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Do you remember those “interactive” exploring puzzle games? They were all the rage back in the 90s. And the fuzzy FMV scenes were in many of the videogames at the time. Ripper was one of those games with an outstanding cast of actors, but it is clear that most of these actor are phoning it in.

Christopher Walken: He is just playing himself here, just a little sillier. I can’t believe they got him for this crappy videogame. He plays such a big role too.

Burgess Meredith: This one of his last roles before his death. You can clearly tell that he isn’t all the way there. He looks very sick, yet he sounds more like his character from Batman. Was this really the way people wanted to remember him?

Karen Allen: Yes, that Karen Allen. You can tell she isn’t happy about doing this role. I feel bad for her because her career wasn’t exactly on fire during the mid-90s through the 2000s. She certainly looks better in the last Indiana Jones movie than here in this game.

Ossie Davis: Why did Davis agree to this game?

Jimmie Walker: Yes, James 'J.J.' Evans Jr has a part in the game a hacker.

Paul Giamatti: He really phones it here too. Did he do this game as a favor?

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