Sunday, November 22, 2009

Restaurant Owner: “I want my e-mails!”

Vadim Ponorovsky (One mean a-hole)

There is so much wrong with this story that I don’t know where to begin.

In New York, there is a restaurant named Paradou. Well, owner of this establishment went off on a little tirade in an E-mail to his employees.

This letter comes from Gawker where you can find out more about this story.

From the letter,

((Please read this email carefully. This is the last time we will be discussing this. ))

Okay, sounds okay to me. It goes downhill from here.

((This weekend, saturday and sunday we had 451 customers. Guess how many emails we collected? 60? 80? 40? No. None of those. We, or more acurately you, collected 2 emails. Thats less than half of one percent. 2 fucking emails.))

You see the owner wants his waiters to collect E-mail addresses in order to contact the customers about things involving the restaurant. He’s attacking his staff because he just got two e-mails out of 451. What he doesn’t understand is not everyone wants to give out their e-mail addresses to some person that they just met.

((WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ASSHOLES?!?!?! How many times do we have to tell you how important it is that you collect emails. Everytime we have a slow night and you make no money and you sit there bitching about how you make no money, remember its because youre fucking lazy motherfuckers. YOU SHOULD ALL BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY!!!!! ALL OF YOU, INCLUDING THE HOSTS!!!!))

Yes, calling you’re staff lazy MF-ers will surely bring morale up. And calling them a-holes is the cherry on top. Are E-mails really that important? How about making great food and getting the word out there instead about the good service?

And, wait you’re firing your hot hostesses too?

((Let me guess, youre probably sitting there saying "Vadim is such a fucking asshole. How dare he speak to me like this. I dont need this." Youre right, you dont, so why dont you get the fuck out. Any and all of you.))

At this point, I would have. You have to have enough self-respect to take a stand and say, “I’ve had enough of this crap.”

He goes on to repeat himself.

((Youre probably sitting there saying "How dare he speak to me like this. How dare he not have respect for me". Youre right there also. I have absolutely no respect for any of you. Why? Because every fucking day, all of you continue to show that you have absolutely no respect for me or Alex. So if you dont respect us enough to do the little that we ask you to do, then GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING LAZY DISRESPECTFUL ASSHOLES!!!!!))

Soooo, you’re telling me you out me to quit, right? I couldn’t read it through the damn CAPS!!!!

((Effective immediately, any server or host who fails to collect at least 20 emails per week, will be fined $100. Anyone failing to collect at least 20 emails for two weeks in a month will be fired immediately. No matter what. No matter who you are.))

Fined $100? That’s a bit harsh.

How about not spamming your customers at the table about getting their E-mails. If I’m sitting at the table trying to eat, the last thing I want is having a frightened waiter begging me for my e-mail address. Some customers might find that annoying.

Let’s skip to the end of this love letter to his employees.

((I am sick of all this shit, you bunch of fucking children. This is what I have to deal with at 6AM?!?!? I wouldnt tolerate this from my 13 year old, and Im sure as shit not going to tolerate it from any of you assholes.

You give no respect, you get 10 times back.))

Way to keep it classy by mentioning your child in the fiery e-mail.

It is awkward to ask for e-mail addresses at a time when Spam and viruses are out of control on the Internet. People are weary of that and some find it intrusive.

I know advertising is expensive, but there are other ways to keep your customers aware of the restaurant. Facebook and Myspace: You can post your Facebook on the check at the bottom or hand out a small card telling them about the Facebook page. They can join it for updates.

What Mr. Ponorovsky fails to understand is that the reason the e-mail was leaked was because you pissed someone off and this was his or her way of getting back at you. Think of this as good old Internet Justice. If you worded the e-mail a little nicer, this probably wouldn’t have happened. And, now everyone around the Inter-Tubes knows you’re a major prick. You’re “You give no respect, you get 10 times back” is now biting you in the ass now. How fitting…

Here is a video about his restaurant with his interview.


He attacks Gawker!

Now, he's attacking people who review his place by wishing them death!

If you want to take a look at him, here he is.

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