Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Random Stuff

It's so Reeeeal....

Random Stuff

~I pulled a muscle last week in my leg while getting up from bed. It hurt like hell. I thought it was minor so I stayed in bed for two more hours hoping it would go away. It didn't. I limped along for three days. Man, that wasn't fun at all. I think it had to do with me pushing myself way too hard on my bicycle riding. I'm at 100% now and OVER 9 thousand.

~Katt Williams is in Jail?: I'm no fan of Mr. Williams humor, but something doesn't seem right about this story. Police arrested Williams for burglary and trespassing in a home in Coweta County. They say he stole jewelry, but we all know Williams always dresses like a pimp and probably has more than this homeowner owns. Get this; Williams was staying at the home under permission of homeowner. Regardless of the outcome, I'm betting we'll see this whole ordeal show up in one of his comedy acts. (The 911 call sounds a little suspect to me.)

~That Noxzema Rebecca Gayheart: Speaking of Sex Tapes, Did you know she had a sex tape of sorts? Why does everyone have a sex tape these days? Don’t they realize they going to pop up at random times? And, I'm not going to lie. I've always had a thing for the Noxzema chick. That Grey’s Anatomy dude is one lucky SOB.

~What the hell happened to Sammy Sosa's skin? It looks like the otherwise dark skinned baseball player has turned three shades lighter. I still can't get over his High Heat Baseball ads with “It's so real!”

It's so Reeeeeeaaaaal