Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clash of the Titans trailer (Remake)

Clash of the Titans trailer (Remake)

Wow, that was kind of strange. I knew they were making a remake of the 1981 film, but the new movie seems like a sequel to the new Prince of Persia movie that's coming out. The old movie starred that dude from LA Law and that creepy robotic owl. No word on that owl or Harry Hamlin making cameo appearances in this remake.

Speaking of Persia connections, Gemma Arterton stars in both this and the Prince of Persia movie! She must really like sword and sandals movies. (Hat tip to the Reject Radio for mentioning this.)

There are some things to like in the trailer. But, did we need the blaring rock music in a so-called period piece of fiction? This over-editing Micheal Bay style of trailer editing is a bit too much for me.

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