Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bride Wars

Bride Wars II: The divorce strikes back

Bride Wars

What happens when you watch a nearly by the numbers comedy about feuding brides movie? You get a mundane movie with a few nice moments at the end that leaves you unfulfilled. The biggest issue I have with the movie is that we watch as two women destroy their long time friendship over a couple of stupid weddings that were planned on the same day and same location by accident. (Plaza Hotel) Neither one of the leading ladies are willing to give up that day, so the brides’ friends will have to decide which wedding they go to. This sets off some mean pranks on each of the former friends. These pranks are being done to stop their weddings from happening.

I really found myself hating both women and not really laughing, which is the reason for a comedy. I just couldn’t get over the contempt I had for both one of them. Both brides refused to take the high road and act logical. Perhaps, if they hated each other at the beginning I could get with the premise.

The other enormous problem with this movie involves the script. It just feels like a recipe that a dumb studio exec thought up to get a certain portion of the female demographics to the theater. So, I’m saying that Bride Wars is basically like beef stew. Instead of trying a new recipe they just thrown in everything into the boiling pot because it has worked in the past. With a few exceptions at the end, the story is so standard that the movie simply becomes a boring, unfunny, comedy.

The movie never tries to push further with anything. At one point, the two brides show up to a male strip club. They get into a dance contest and that could have been a funny scene. Instead, it’s just awkward.

As far as the acting goes, it’s all over the place. Anne Hathaway, looking amazing here, does her best to bring the material up, but there is only so much she can do. Hathaway is a very good actress that deserves better than this. Kate Hudson is…well playing Kate Hudson. She doesn’t have the chops of Hathaway.

Like stated before, there is one thing that happens at the end that does deserves kudos. But, I really didn’t expect them to take the plot in that direction. Bride Wars isn’t the worst comedy to see, but it would turn any head either. I can’t recommend this movie to anyone, but it isn’t that bad either just boring.

Grade: D+

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