Saturday, October 03, 2009

Some Metal Gear Solid 2 videos

Metal Gear Solid 2 vs Metal Gear Solid Substance Opening

I played both versions of this amazing game. One thing I noticed was the Intro to both versions is slightly different. (There are minor differences to the actual games too)

MSG Opening

Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance opening

Here are a few differences between the two intros

-In Substance, the credits make beeping sounds like a computer some times when a name appears on screen. The Original game doesn’t have this. I believe it only beeps for certain names.

-I’m not 100% certain, but I believe the Substance intro uses the newer models for the Marines in the tanker incident. I know they varied the models a bit for the actual Substance game.

Anyone notice anything else different?

Side Note: This is the E3 trailer from 2001. There are a few differences because a lot of the story had to be kept secret.

-Fortune fights Snake in this version. In the real game, she fights Raiden. They did this to keep the secret up.

-Snake is shown fighting the Harrier Jet on a bridge. And he’s fighting it alone. This never happens in the game. Was this ever supposed to be in the game?

-Snake confronts the Ninja! Snake in the Shell Incident only mentions this. We never get to see it happen. Was this a cut scene? (Someone in the youtube comment section states that you can see Raiden in the Ninja Suit. It should be noted that the Ninja suit looks more masculine than feminine. In the actual game, you can tell there is a woman in the suit.)

-The famous deleted flooding scene and game play. I know for a fact that there was going to be flooding onboard the ship in the Tanker Incident. After the Metal Gear was loose, you would have to run back the way you came as the ship flooded, trying to out run the water. There is more footage of this deleted game play. They didn’t have time to fully flesh out the flooding scene so they dropped it.

E3 Trailer from 2000

-Some of the guard stuff is completely different. They don’t bunch together when running in the finale version.

-As far as I can tell, the guards never confront you on the bridge of the tanker.

A very early version

-Notice the MGS “III” logo? This was originally going to be the name of the game. IMDB states that this was going to confuse fans on purpose, and the “III” meant the three brothers.

-The tanker looks different and the water effects are fairly poor.

-The voiceover gives away the entire Shell Incident. And Raiden makes an appearance. (An early model version)

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