Friday, October 02, 2009

Roxy Rocket and her “Ultimate thrill”

Roxy Rocket and her “Ultimate thrill”

I mentioned this before, but the character Roxy Rocket litterally has a “Climax” during this scene. She screams out in joy know that her and Batman will die together. Keep in mind this was on during Saturday morning cartoons. (Not to mention she rides around an a penis shaped rocket!)

When the show switched from FOX to WB, the creators of the Batman show were able to get away with a lot more stuff.

I always liked Roxy Rocket. She was my favorite Batman female villain. She is voiced by Charity James, and it is an extremely sexy voice. I then realized her voice sounded familiar (IMDB page). She was Elaine Marley-Threepwood from the Monkey Island series. I'm almost sure this is her web site.

Her first appearance was in the Batman episode “The Ultimate Thrill”. She does have a cameo in the Superman The Animated Series. She is now a part of the Main DC Universe. And, I thought she would have made a great villain on the Justice League cartoon show.

She's a daredevil, but she won't even have sex with The Penguin!

And here is her cameo in the Superman episode. (She flirts with Superman!)

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