Thursday, October 01, 2009

Roman Polanski (more thoughts)

Roman Polanski (John Campea thoughts)

As I drove home from work, I started to think about how I was going to put to words how I feel about people defending Roman Polanski's case. John comes along and pretty much sums up everything I wanted to say.

It is a little scary that there are people out there pushing aside the real issue. While the victim seems to have turned out alright, there are countless rape and molestation victims out there that are still recovering years later. We sometimes forget the lasting effect it has on the victims. Even if it is to show up to face the court, he needs to come back.

And, yeah, I totally agree with what John said in last part.

-Yep, Polanski is a coward. He agreed to certain terms and then ran away. He hid from the LA police for years.

-Yep, he drugged and raped a 13 year. Nothing can forgive this.

-He needs to face the courts. Like Micheal Jackson, when it comes to children, you need to get your day in court. Let the courts decide if he is guilty or not.

Side note

I discovered some statements from famous people that have been defending him, and I'd like to comment on their statements.

From Telegraph UK,

((Whoopi Goldberg, star of The Color Purple and Sister Act, said: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don't believe it was rape-rape.

"He pled guilty to having sex with a minor and he went to jail, and when they let him out he said 'You know what, this guy's going to give me 100 years in jail. I'm not staying'."))

Whoopi Goldberg, I respect you and think you're a talented person, but you're completely wrong. Rape-rape? He got a 13 year old drunk and had his way with her. That sounds like rape to me. Whoopi, fleeing the country when you entered a plea agreement is still breaking the law. If the Judge did want to back-hand the deal, Roman's lawyers could have appeal and probably had the case dropped. But he didn't do that. He ran away instead of fighting a fight he could have won.

((Peter Fonda, the actor, who was in Zurich for a film festival, said international authorities had better things to focus on than catching Roman Polanski.

Fonda told local radio Wednesday that "we should have been celebrating the arrest of Osama bin Laden and not the arrest of Polanski." ))

Peter Fonda, you can't compare Polanski to Osama. That's the same fallacy that the far right uses currently. Don't do the same thing. Comparing Polanski to Osama is like comparing apples to honeysuckles. Peter, I don't see too many people celebrating the arrest of Polanski. Heck the Facebook Twitter crowd probably has no idea who Polanski is...other than that strange dude from Rush Hour 3.


  1. Jezebel had a good article on this case as well.

  2. That is a great freaking article.

    Woody Allen is on the list? Woody shouldn't even comment on the whole matter. He has no right to side with anyone.

    Woody Allen, holy crap.
